Apostrophes 1 Year 3 Ready to Write Resource Pack

Apostrophes 1 Year 3 Resources

Step 7: Apostrophes 1 Year 3 Resources

Apostrophes 1 Year 3 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and application and reasoning resources. This pack is designed to work alongside our GPS Scheme of Work for Autumn Block 1.

Resource Pack (Premium)

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What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Apostrophes 1 Year 3 Teaching PowerPoint.
  • Apostrophes 1 Year 3 Varied Fluency with answers.
  • Apostrophes 1 Year 3 Application and Reasoning with answers.


National Curriculum Objectives

English Year 2: (2G5.8) Apostrophes to mark where letters are missing in spelling and to mark singular possession in nouns [for example, the girl’s name]


Varied Fluency
Developing Questions to support using apostrophes for contraction. Includes only first person contractions, such as ‘I’ve’, or contractions with one letter omitted, such as ‘didn’t’.
Expected Questions to support using apostrophes for contraction. Includes any regular contractions, such as ‘they’ll’, or irregular contractions, such as ‘won’t’.
Greater Depth Questions to support using apostrophes for contraction. Questions explore instances where the same contraction can represent different omitted letters, depending on context, such as when ‘he’d’ could represent ‘he had’ or ‘he would’.

Application and Reasoning
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Application)
Developing Rewrite a given sentence, changing a contraction into the words which formed it. Includes only first person contractions, such as ‘I’m’, or contractions with one letter omitted, such as ‘hasn’t’.
Expected Rewrite a given sentence, changing a contraction into the words which formed it. Includes any regular contractions, such as ‘shouldn’t’, or irregular contractions, such as ‘won’t’.
Greater Depth Write two sentences from a stem, changing a contraction into both sets of words which could have formed it. Questions explore instances where the same contraction can represent different omitted letters, depending on context, such as when ‘he’s’ could represent ‘he is’ or ‘he has’.

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Application)
Developing Rewrite a sentence to correct a contraction mistake. Includes only first person contractions, such as ‘I’d’, or contractions with one letter omitted, such as ‘you’re’.
Expected Rewrite a sentence to correct a contraction mistake. Includes any regular contractions, such as ‘he’d’.
Greater Depth Write two sentences from stems, correcting the contraction mistakes and showing both meanings of the contraction. Questions explore instances where the same contraction can represent different omitted letters, depending on context, such as when ‘we’d’ could represent ‘we had’ or ‘we would’.

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Reasoning)
Developing Explain the contraction mistake. Includes only first person contractions, such as ‘I’ve’, or contractions with one letter omitted, such as ‘it’s’.
Expected Explain the contraction mistake. Includes any regular contractions, such as ‘we’ve’.
Greater Depth Explain the contraction mistake. Questions explore instances where the same contraction can represent different omitted letters, depending on context, such as when ‘she’d’ could represent ‘she had’ or ‘she would’.

This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.