Creating Concise Noun Phrases Year 5 Expanded Noun Phrases Resource Pack

Creating Concise Noun Phrases Year 5 Resources

Step 2: Creating Concise Noun Phrases Year 5 Spring Block 2 Resources

Creating Concise Noun Phrases Year 5 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and application and reasoning resource. This Pack is designed to work alongside out GPS Scheme of work for Spring Block 2.

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What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Creating Concise Noun Phrases Year 5 Teaching PowerPoint.
  • Creating Concise Noun Phrases Year 5 Varied Fluency with answers.
  • Creating Concise Noun Phrases Year 5 Application and Reasoning Solving with answers.

National Curriculum Objectives

English Year 5: (5G3.2) Using expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely


Varied Fluency
Developing Questions to support using adjectives concisely within a phrase or single clause sentence.
Expected Questions to support using adjectives concisely within a phrase or a single clause sentence with a preposition.
Greater Depth Questions to support using adjectives concisely within a multi-clause sentence with a preposition. Multiple noun phrases used within a sentence.

Application and Reasoning
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Application)
Developing Remove an adjective to make a noun phrase more concise within a phrase.
Expected Remove an adjective to make a noun phrase more concise within a phrase with a preposition.
Greater Depth Remove an adjective from each noun phrase to make a multi-clause sentence with a preposition more concise. Multiple noun phrases are used within a sentence.

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Application)
Developing Rewrite the single clause sentence to add more detail to the noun phrase.
Expected Rewrite the single clause sentence to add more detail to the noun phrase and add a preposition.
Greater Depth Rewrite the sentence to add an additional clause with a noun phrase and a preposition. Multiple noun phrases are used within a sentence.

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Reasoning)
Developing Use knowledge of concise noun phrases to decide which single clause sentence gives you the most information.
Expected Use knowledge of concise noun phrases to decide which single clause sentence (with a preposition) gives you the most information.
Greater Depth Use knowledge of concise noun phrases to decide which multi-clause sentence (with a preposition) gives you the most information. Multiple noun phrases used within a sentence.

This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.