It’s NOT all about the children!

This post has been written by Claire Riley

Yesterday I had a bit of a video rant on Facebook!

I just got a little cross that often it's expected that because teachers work with children, they shouldn't expect things every other profession expects - like a decent wage and time with their families! I'm totally expecting backlash but I'm a big girl, I can take it! It's worth a watch and I'd be interested to know if you agree?

So this past week we've had Claire (another Claire!!! #confusing) and Faye join the team in resource creation and tomorrow Sam will be starting in customer service. The team is growing nicely and we're currently still recruiting for proofreaders and resource creators.

If you've followed us for any length of time, then you'll know how keen we are to constantly improve our service to you so we have two surveys out at the moment - one on the customer service you receive when you contact us and the other all about our new GPS scheme. We'd appreciate it so much if you could give us your feedback - good and bad - it all helps us to improve!

I did a SATs live Facebook video this week (with a few hiccups) showing you how to use the new menu we've created for those resources. I'll be creating another one soon to sit on the website as a quick refresher on some of the finishing touches we put into our resources and website to make your lives easier and how to get the most out of those features. We'll also be adding some more/updating some old SATs resources this week to pretty much cover all the questions in the KS1 and KS2 Arithmetic 2018 tests.

I've also modelled Classroom Secrets hoodies! My lovely colleagues requested these a number of months ago and we're finally getting around to ordering some!

That's me this week then. Over and out.

Love Claire and the team at Classroom Secrets.