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Year 3 Add 3 Digits and 10s Fluency Matrix

Year 3 Add 3 Digits and 10s Fluency Matrix

Year 3 Add 3 Digits and 10s Fluency Matrix

This Year 3 Add 3 Digits and 10s Fluency Matrix includes three sets of questions, and each set has been differentiated three ways to provide your class with a range of accessible questions.
To support adding multiples of 10 to 3-digit numbers, children will use Base 10, place value counters, place value charts, bar models and a part-whole model. There's also some word problems to complete too.
Ideal for use at the start or end of a maths lesson, this resource is the perfect activity to assess and enhance children's fluency skills when adding tens to 3-digit numbers. Get downloading!

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National Curriculum Objective

Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction


This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.