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Arithmetic Tests for Year 3 Spring 1

Arithmetic Tests for Year 3

Arithmetic Tests for Year 3

Arithmetic Tests for Year 3 are a set of six arithmetic tests for Year 3 Spring 1.

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What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Six Differentiated Arithmetic Tests for Year 3.


Beginner Finding half of a number. Multiplying by 4. Two-digit number add a two-digit number (no bridging). 18 questions. Aimed at Year 3 Secure (week 13).

Easy Finding half and quarter of a number. Multiplying and dividing by 4. Two-digit number add a two-digit number (one bridge). Two-digit number subtract a two-digit number (no bridging). 18 questions. Aimed at Year 3 Secure (week 14).

Tricky Finding half, quarter and third of a number. Multiplying and dividing by 4. Three-digit number add a three-digit number (no bridging). Two-digit number subtract a two-digit number (one bridge). 18 questions. Aimed at Year 3 Secure (week 15).

Expert Finding third and three-quarters of a number. Multiplying and dividing by 4. Three-digit number add a three-digit number (one bridge). Three-digit number subtract a three-digit number (no bridging). 21 questions. Aimed at Year 3 Secure (week 16).

Brainbox Finding two-thirds and three-quarters of a number. Multiplying and dividing by 4. Three-digit number add a three-digit number (more than one bridge). Three-digit number subtract a three-digit number (one bridge). 21 questions. Aimed at Year 3 Secure (week 17).

Genius Finding two-thirds, three-quarters and fifth of a number. Multiplying by 8. Three-digit number add a three-digit number (more than one bridge). Three-digit number subtract a three-digit number (more than one bridge). 21 questions. Aimed at Year 3 Secure (week 18).

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 2: (2C2a) Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally for a two-digit number and tens

Mathematics Year 2: (2C2a) Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally for two two-digit numbers

Mathematics Year 2: (2C6) Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers

Mathematics Year 2: (2F1a) Recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3 , 1/4 , 2/4 and 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity

Mathematics Year 3: (3N2b) Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100; find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number

Mathematics Year 3: (3C1) Add and subtract numbers mentally, including a three-digit number and ones

Mathematics Year 3: (3C1) Add and subtract numbers mentally, including a three-digit number and tens

Mathematics Year 3: (3C1) Add and subtract numbers mentally, including a three-digit number and hundreds

Mathematics Year 3: (3C2) Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction

Mathematics Year 3: (3C4) Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction

Mathematics Year 3: (3C6) Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables

Mathematics Year 3: (3F1c) Recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators

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