Yasin and Scarlett have had a great day at the zoo. It’s almost time to go home but they want to buy a snack for the journey and a souvenir. Will they have enough money?
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Discussion points for teachers
1. Should they buy a cookie or a cupcake?
Discuss how to compare the prices when the pound values are the same.
2. Who has the most money?
Discuss the strategies for counting how much money each person has.
3. How much money could he have now? Will he still have more than Scarlett?
Discuss the different possible coin values that Yasin may have dropped and the different possible totals this would leave Yasin with. Discuss if all the possible totals will leave Yasin with more money than Scarlett. This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
If he dropped a 20p coin, he will have £7 and 45p, which is less than Scarlett.
If he dropped a 10p coin, he will have £7 and 55p, which is more than Scarlett.
If he dropped a 5p coin, he will have £7 and 60p, which is more than Scarlett.
4. Can she afford to buy either of these?
Discuss how to compare amounts when pound values are different.
She can afford to buy either of the toys.
5. Does he have enough money?
Discuss how much money Yasin has if he dropped a 5p coin and how to compare this amount with the price shown on the price tag.
Yes, as he will have £7.60
National Curriculum Objectives
Mathematics Year 2: (2M3a) Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value
Mathematics Year 2: (2M9) Solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change
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