Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 3 Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 3 Autumn Maths - Multiplication and Division03 Divide by 3 › Divide by 3 Year 3 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Divide by 3 Year 3 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Divide by 3 Year 3 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Step 3: Divide by 3 Year 3 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Ray and Oceana are at the seaside and are sharing a picnic with a friend. Using knowledge of dividing by 3, help them to share their food fairly.

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Discussion points for teachers

1. We’ve got 12 sandwiches. How many can we each have?
Discuss sharing 12 equally between three.
4 sandwiches

2. How many sausages will they each get?
Discuss calculating the number of sausages in total and then sharing this equally between three.
8 sausages

3. How many helpings will they each get if there are 63 pretzels altogether?
Discuss sharing the pretzels into groups of three first to find the number of helpings, then share into 3 groups to find the number of helpings per person.
7 helpings each

4. Investigate what the cost of one drink could be, if drinks cost twice the price of a chocolate bar.
Discuss sharing different amounts of money within the range given to give three equal drinks prices and three equal chocolate prices which are half the price of the drinks. This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
Possible answers, for example: 80p drink and 40p chocolate if they spent £3 and 60p; £1 and 20p drink and 60p chocolate if they spent £5 and 40p

5. We can have 2 cookies and 18 strawberries each.
Do you agree? Discuss sharing out the total number of cookies and the total number of strawberries equally between three.
No, because 2 packs of 6 cookies = 12 cookies shared equally between three = 4 cookies each. 2 packs of 18 strawberries = 36 shared equally between three = 12 strawberries each.

6. How much of each type of food will each seagull get if they share it out fairly?
Discuss finding the totals of each food type and sharing these equally between three rather than sharing the total number of food items.
There are 9 sausages = 3 each; 6 pretzels = 2 each; and 3 cookies = 1 each.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 3: (3C6) Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables

Mathematics Year 3: (3C8) Solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects

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