Free 3D Shapes Year 1 Shape Learning Video Clip


Step 1: Free 3D Shapes Year 1 Shape Learning Video Clip

Priya and Ted are very excited because their parents are taking them to a fairground today. Join them as they look for 3D shapes around the fairground.

More resources for Autumn Block 3 Step 1

Discussion points for teachers

1. Help Priya to name the 3D shape in her hand? Discuss what the ball looks like.
Discuss which 3D shape looks like a ball.

2. Priya wants to knock over the cuboid and the cylinder. Which things should she aim for? Discuss what a cuboid and a cylinder look like.
Discuss which items look like a cuboid and which look like a cylinder.
Box of cereal (cuboid) and the tin of beans (cylinder).

3. Ted thinks the first aid tent is shaped like a cone. Is he correct? Which 3D shape do you think the tent is like?
Discuss what the tent looks like. Discuss which 3D shape looks like that.
Square-based pyramid

4. Ted says he is going to whack the shape that comes out of the round hole. Which 3D shape do you think could pop out of this hole?
Discuss which 3D shapes look like they would fit through the round hole. This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
Various answers, for example: cone, sphere, cylinder

Optional discussion points:
Discuss with pupils what they already know about 3D shapes from Foundation Stage.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 1: (1G1b) Recognise and name common 3-D shapes [for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres]

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