Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 2 Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 2 Autumn Maths - Multiplication and Division02 Make Equal Groups › Make Equal Groups Year 2 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Make Equal Groups Year 2 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Make Equal Groups Year 2 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Step 2: Make Equal Groups Year 2 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Maria is creating a new sweet to make children burp bubble! Help Maria find the secret recipe by creating equal groups.

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Discussion points for teachers

1. Help me create equal groups of popping popcorn.
Discuss what equal groups are. Discuss how to create equal groups with the amount shown. Discuss if there is more than one way to create equal groups for the given numbers of sweets. Discuss and compare the difference between the different equal groups. These questions are open for the children to explore.
Various answers, for example: 6 equal groups of 2; 4 equal groups of 3.

2. How many equal groups can she make and how many are in each group?
Discuss what equal groups are. Discuss how to create equal groups with the amount shown. Discuss if there is more than one way to create equal groups for the given numbers of sweets. Discuss and compare the difference between the different equal groups. These questions are open for the children to explore.
Various answers, for example: 6 equal groups of 2; There are 4 groups with 3 sweets in each group.

3. How many equal groups can she make with the Tangy Twisters and how many would be in each group?
Discuss what equal groups are. Discuss how to create equal groups with the amount shown. Discuss if there is more than one way to create equal groups for the given numbers of sweets. Discuss and compare the difference between the different equal groups. These questions are open for the children to explore.
Various answers, for example: 2 equal groups of 5; 5 equal groups of 2

4. Is she correct? Explain why.
Discuss Maria’s statement. Discuss and identify the groups that have been created. Discuss an identify if they are equal. Discuss if she is correct and explain your reasoning.
No, Maria is incorrect because the bottles are not in equal groups. They show unequal groups as two show 15 and one shows 10. 

5. How can she create equal groups of 5 with 25 items?
Discuss how the items can be organised to show equal groups. Discuss and identify how the groups will be determined, for example by the number of groups or by the number of bottles in each group. Discuss how the equal groups can be created using known facts of times table 5’s. 
5 groups with 5 bottles in each group. 

6. Investigate the equal groups of each ingredient for both sweets.
Discuss how many items there are in total. Discuss how equal groups can be created using this total. Discuss the various combinations for this question. Discuss and compare the different equal groups. This is an open-ended question for children to solve. 
Various answers, for example: 5 equal groups of 5 and 3 equal groups of 10; 7 equal groups of 5 and 2 equal groups of 10; 3 equal groups of 5 and 4 equal groups of 10.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 2: (2C8) Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts

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