Mixed Age Year 2 and 3 Measurement and Time Step 8 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving resources for this step which covers Year 3 Hours in a Day for Summer Block 3.
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This Mixed Age Year 2 and 3 Measurement and Time Step 8 pack includes:
Mathematics Year 3: (3M4d) Estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o'clock/a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight
Mathematics Year 3: (3M4e) Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year
Mathematics Year 3: (3M4f) Compare durations of events, [e.g. to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks]
Differentiation for Year 3 Hours in a Day:
Varied Fluency
Developing Questions to support learning the number of hours in a day and days in a week.
Expected Questions to support learning the number of hours in a day, days in a week and days in a month, and related vocabulary. Including the number of hours in multiple days. Some reference to times in o’clock.
Greater Depth Questions to support learning the number of hours in a day, days in a week and days in a month, and related vocabulary. Including the number of hours in multiple days and days or hours in multiple weeks.
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Reasoning)
Developing Decide if a statement about time is possible or impossible and how you know. Statements based on time in one day.
Expected Decide if a statement about time is possible or impossible and how you know. Statements based on time across multiple days.
Greater Depth Decide if a statement about time is possible or impossible and how you know. Statements based on time across multiple days and with topic based language.
Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Reasoning)
Developing Decide if a statement about time is right or wrong and explain your answer. Limited to facts about the hours in a day.
Expected Decide if a statement about time is right or wrong and explain your answer. Covering multiple days.
Greater Depth Decide if a statement about time is right or wrong and explain your answer. Including facts that may be possible, but unlikely.
Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Problem Solving)
Developing Answer a simple question based on a month shown on a calendar.
Expected Answer a more complicated question based on a month shown on a calendar.
Greater Depth Answer a question based on a month shown on a calendar including where there could be more than one answer.
This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.