Mixed Age Year 2 and 3 Place Value Step 3 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving resources for both year groups for Autumn Block 1 and covers Year 2 Tens and Ones 2 & Year 3 100s, 10s and 1s 2.
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This Mixed Age Year 2 and 3 Place Value Step 3 pack includes:
Mathematics Year 2: (2N2a) Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words
Mathematics Year 2: (2N3) Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones)
Mathematics Year 2: (2N4) Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, including the number line
Mathematics Year 2: (2N6) Use place value and number facts to solve problems
Mathematics Year 3: (3N2a) Read and write numbers up to 1000 in numerals and in words
Mathematics Year 3: (3N3) Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones)
Mathematics Year 3: (3N6) Solve number problems and practical problems involving 3N1 - 3N4
Differentiation for Year 2 Tens and Ones 2:
Varied Fluency
Developing Questions to support partitioning 2-digit numbers up to 99 using the addition symbol. Numbers are mainly shown using pictorial representations.
Expected Questions to support partitioning 2-digit numbers up to 99 using the addition symbol, with a variety of pictorial representations. Numbers given in numerals only.
Greater Depth Questions to support partitioning 2-digit numbers up to 99 using the addition symbol, mixed pictorials. Numbers are given in numerals and words.
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Reasoning)
Developing Explain if a statement about a number sentence is correct or not. Using numbers up to 99, with numbers represented with Base 10.
Expected Explain if a statement about a number sentence is correct or not. Using numbers up to 99, with numbers represented with a variety of pictorial representations.
Greater Depth Explain if a statement about a number sentence is correct or not. Using numbers up to 99, with numbers represented with a variety of pictorial representations and unconventional partitioning.
Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Problem Solving)
Developing Use the pictorial representations to create three addition number sentences. Use numbers up to 99.
Expected Use the pictorial representations to create five addition number sentences. Use numbers up to 99.
Greater Depth Use the pictorial representations to create five addition number sentences. Use numbers up to 99. Numbers represented with mixed pictorial representations with unconventional partitioning.
Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Problem Solving)
Developing Use the digit cards to create 3 addition number sentences. Numbers up to 99 given in digits. Numbers up to 99 given in digits and pictorially.
Expected Use the digit cards to create 3 addition number sentences. Numbers up to 99 given in digits.
Greater Depth Use the digit cards to create 3 addition number sentences. Numbers up to 99 given in digits. Numbers up to 99 unconventionally partitioned given in digits and words.
Differentiation for Year 3 100s, 10s and 1s 2:
Varied Fluency
Developing Questions to support representing 3-digit numbers using a place value chart and counters, without the use of zero as a placeholder.
Expected Questions to support representing 3-digit numbers using a place value chart and counters, with some use of zero as a place holder.
Greater Depth Questions to support representing 3-digit numbers using a place value chart and counters, with some use of zero as a place holder and unconventional partitioning.
Reasoning and Problem Solving
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Reasoning)
Developing Using knowledge of place value, explain the odd one out by matching two different representations of 3-digit numbers, without the use of zero as a place holder.
Expected Using knowledge of place value, explain the odd one out by matching three different representations of 3-digit numbers, with some use of zero as a place holder.
Greater Depth Using knowledge of place value, explain the odd one out by matching four different representations of 3-digit numbers, with some use of zero as a place holder and unconventional partitioning.
Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Reasoning)
Developing Explain if the place value chart represents a given 3-digit number, without the use of zero as a place holder.
Expected Explain if the place value chart represents a given 3-digit number, with some use of zero as a place holder.
Greater Depth Explain if the place value chart represents a given 3 digit-number, with some use of zero as a place holder and unconventional partitioning.
Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Problem Solving)
Developing Using knowledge of place value, create numbers using up to 6 counters on a place value chart. The use of zero as a place holder is not expected.
Expected Using knowledge of place value, create numbers using up to 7 counters on a place value chart. Some use of zero as a place holder is expected.
Greater Depth Using knowledge of place value, create numbers using up to 8 counters on a place value chart. Some use of zero as a place holder is expected and unconventional partitioning.
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