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Mixed Age Year 5 and 6 Algebra and Ratio Step 15 Resource Pack

Mixed Age Year 5 and 6 Algebra Step 15 Resources

Step 15: Mixed Age Year 5 and 6 Algebra Step 15 Resource Pack

Mixed Age Year 5 and 6 Algebra Step 15 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving resources for this step which covers Year 6 Ratio and Fractions Problems for Spring Block 3.

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What's included in the Pack?

This Mixed Age Year 5 and 6 Algebra Step 15 pack includes:

  • Mixed Age Year 5 and 6 Algebra Step 15 Teaching PowerPoint with examples.
  • Year 6 Ratio and Fractions Problems Varied Fluency with answers.
  • Year 6 Ratio and Fractions Problems Reasoning and Problem Solving with answers.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 6: (6R1) Solve problems involving the relative sizes of two quantities where missing values can be found by using integer multiplication and division facts

Mathematics Year 6: (6R4) Solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions and multiples

Differentiation for Year 6 Calculating Ratio:
Varied Fluency
Developing Questions to support relating ratio and fractions. Comparing 2 groups of objects, organised in a linear pattern or grouped together.
Expected Questions to support relating ratio and fractions. Comparing 2 groups of objects out of two or three groups, organised in a linear pattern or grouped together.
Greater Depth Questions to support relating ratio and fractions. Comparing 3 groups of objects which are arranged randomly.

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Problem Solving)
Developing Write 3 pairs of fractions to show a possible ratio of 2 objects.
Expected Write 5 pairs of fractions to show a possible ratio of 2 objects.
Greater Depth Write 5 pairs of fractions to show a possible ratio of 3 objects.

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Reasoning)
Developing Explain whether a statement is correct. Comparing 2 sets of objects with pictorial representation. Denominator of 10 or less.
Expected Explain whether a statement is correct. Comparing 2 (out of 3) sets of objects.
Greater Depth Explain whether a statement is correct. Comparing 3 sets of objects.

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Reasoning)
Developing Explain whether two statements are correct. Comparing 2 sets of objects with pictorial representation.
Expected Explain whether two statements are correct. Comparing 2 sets of objects.
Greater Depth Explain whether two statements are correct. Comparing 3 sets of objects.

This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.