Numbers to 100,000 Year 5 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Numbers to 100,000 Year 5 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Step 4: Numbers to 100,000 Year 5 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Buzz and Reena are astronauts travelling around the universe. They need help with reading and writing numbers to 100,000, counting back in thousands and plotting numbers on a number line.

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Discussion points for teachers

    1. Help Buzz and Reena count down in thousands from their current speed to below 5,000 km/hour. Discuss how to count back in thousands from a 5-digit number and which digits change when counting back in thousands.
    2. How many seconds will it take them to reduce their speed to below 5,000 km/hour? Discuss how many thousands need to be counted back to reach a number which is less than 5,000, and how many seconds this will take.
    3. Look at the number line on the screen to see if Reena is correct. Plot Freedom’s maximum speed on the number line. Discuss where the maximum speed of Freedom will appear on the number line. Which numbers are represented by the blank increments?
    4. What are the approximate maximum speeds of the other 2 spaceships? Discuss how a number line at this scale will not provide a definite answer, but that a sensible estimate within a given range can be made.
    5. What will be the maximum speed of the new spaceship? Discuss how to add 10,000 to a given number.
    6. Show Buzz how to write down this number using digits rather than words. Discuss how to change written words to digits and the use of zero as a place holder.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 5: (5N2) Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000,000 and determine the value of each 

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