Numbers to a Million Year 5 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Numbers to a Million Year 5 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Step 7: Numbers to a Million Year 5 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Buzz and Reena are stranded on Venus awaiting a rescue ship as they ran out of fuel for their space buggy. Whilst they are waiting, they encounter numbers to a million and beyond.

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Discussion points for teachers

  1. Help Reena work out what Buzz’s number could be. Discuss each of the clues in turn and whether the clues can lead to the identification of a specific number or a range of possibilities. What could those possibilities be?
  2. How many ‘stars’ has Reena had in total for her three space photos? Discuss using knowledge of place value to add the numbers mentally.
  3. How many seconds worth of oxygen are they sending down to Buzz and Reena? Discuss using knowledge of place value to find a missing number. How could you represent this problem using a part whole model?
  4. How many stars do you think she’ll get?   Discuss numbers greater than 3 million. This question is open ended for the children to explore.
  5. How could this number be represented? Discuss how the number agreed from the last question could be represented in different ways, for example, counters on a place value chart. This question is open ended for the children to explore.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 5: (5N2) Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1 000 000 and determine the value of each digit

Mathematics Year 5: (5N6) Solve number problems and practical problems that involve (5N1) (5N2) (5N4) (5N5)

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