Guided Reading Pack
This Guided Reading Pack is a kenning poem about Olympics athletes.
National Curriculum Objectives (England)
Reading: English Y3/4: Recognising some different forms of poetry [for example, free verse, narrative poetry]
English Y5/6: Discuss and evaluate the authors’ use of language, including figurative language, including the impact on the reader
Curriculum for Excellence Objectives (Scotland)
Literacy and English: Reading: Second: I can: discuss structure, characterisation and/or setting; recognise the relevance of the writer’s theme and how this relates to my own and others’ experiences; discuss the writer’s style and other features appropriate to genre.
Curriculum for Wales Objectives (Wales)
English: Reading: Reading Strategies Y5/6: Recognise and understand the characteristics of a range of different texts (continuous and non-continuous) in terms of language, theme, structure and presentation
Comprehension Y5/6: Infer meaning and ideas which are not explicitly stated
Level of this Pack:
Old National Curriculum (England): 4c
New National Curriculum (England): Year 4 Mastery/Year 5 Developing/Year 6 Emerging
Curriculum for Excellence (Scotland): P4 Mastery/P5 Developing/P6 Emerging
Curriculum for Wales (Wales): Year 4 Mastery/Year 5 Developing/Year 6 Emerging
Book Band: Sapphire
PM Benchmark Level: 29 & 30
Reading Recovery Level: 29 & 30
Reading Age: 9 1/2 - 10
The pack includes:
Oral teacher questions with answers for guided reading sessions. Each question is linked to: the New National Curriculum (England) Reading Expectations; the Curriculum for Excellence (Scotland) English and Literacy Reading Expectations; and the Curriculum for Wales Reading Expectations.
Follow-up work with answers.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar work related to the text with answers.
Vocabulary work related to words in the story.
This resource is available to download with a Taster subscription.