Ordering Numbers Year 4 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Ordering Numbers Year 4 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Step 10: Ordering Numbers Year 4 Place Value Learning Video Clip

Jake is visiting Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore. Help Jake sort out the problems he encounters during his visit, using your place value knowledge.

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Discussion points for teachers

  1. Look at the tickets and help Jake to sort out the people into their correct order in the queue. Discuss what the ticket numbers are after converting some from Roman Numerals or carrying out any calculations. Discuss how the numbers should be sorted taking into account that they are ticket numbers in a queue.
  2. In what order will Jake see the exhibits? Discuss converting from Roman numerals and calculating the doubles. Discuss sorting the numbers into descending order looking at the value of the hundreds digit as they all have the same thousand digit.
  3. Help Jake arrange digits onto the grid to make numbers listed in ascending order. Discuss which digits could belong in each position of each number to make sure that the numbers are in ascending order, without moving them. This question is open ended for the children to explore.

Optional discussion points:
Discuss what numbers would be created in the number grid, if only specific digits could be used, for example only digits 0, 2, 3, 6 and 9.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 4: (4N2a) Order and compare numbers beyond 1,000

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