Quadrilaterals Year 4 Properties of Shape Resource Pack

Quadrilaterals Year 4 Resources

Step 4: Quadrilaterals Year 4 Summer Block 5 Resources

Quadrilaterals Year 4 Resource Pack includes a teaching PowerPoint and differentiated varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving resources for Summer Block 5.

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What's included in the pack?

This pack includes:

  • Quadrilaterals Year 4 Teaching PowerPoint.
  • Quadrilaterals Year 4 Varied Fluency with answers.
  • Quadrilaterals Year 4 Reasoning and Problem Solving with answers.


National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 4: (4G2a) Compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles based on their properties and sizes


Varied Fluency
Developing Questions to support identifying and describing the properties of quadrilaterals. Including right angles and 3 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms, and squares). All shapes in ‘standard’ orientation.
Expected Questions to support identifying and describing the properties of quadrilaterals. Including right angles, parallel lines and 5 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms, squares, trapeziums and rhombus). All shapes in ‘standard’ orientation.
Greater Depth Questions to support identifying and describing the properties of irregular quadrilaterals. Including right angles, parallel lines and 5 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms, squares, trapeziums and rhombus). Shapes presented in different orientations.

Reasoning and Problem Solving
Questions 1, 4 and 7 (Reasoning)
Developing Describe the similarities and differences between two quadrilaterals. Includes right angles and 3 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms and squares). All shapes are in ‘standard’ orientation.
Expected Describe the similarities and differences of two quadrilaterals. Includes right angles, parallel lines and 5 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms, squares, trapeziums and rhombus). All shapes are in ‘standard’ orientation.
Greater Depth Describe the similarities and differences of two quadrilaterals using understanding of quadrilaterals and their properties. Includes rights angles, parallel lines and 5 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms, squares, trapeziums and rhombus). Shapes presented in different orientations.

Questions 2, 5 and 8 (Problem Solving)
Developing Work out the shape based on the properties given. Properties relate to 3 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms and squares), sides and right angles.
Expected Work out the shape based on the properties given. Properties relate to 5 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms, squares, trapeziums and rhombus), parallel lines and right angles.
Greater Depth Work out the shape based on the properties given. Properties relate to 5 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms, squares, trapeziums and rhombus), parallel lines and right angles.

Questions 3, 6 and 9 (Reasoning)
Developing Explain whether a statement describing or identifying a quadrilateral is correct. Includes right angles and 3 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms and squares). All shapes are in ‘standard’ orientation.
Expected Explain whether a statement describing or identifying a quadrilateral is correct. Includes right angles, parallel lines and 5 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms, squares, trapeziums and rhombus). All shapes are in ‘standard’ orientation
Greater Depth Explain whether a statement describing or identifying a quadrilateral is correct. Includes right angles, parallel lines and 5 types of quadrilateral (rectangles, parallelograms, squares, trapeziums and rhombus). Shapes presented in different orientations.

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