Yasin and his mum are going to the supermarket to get the ingredients for a packed lunch. As they pay for their shopping and then catch the bus with Scarlett, they need to select the correct coins to make up the exact amount.
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Discussion points for teachers
1. What’s the fewest number of coins they could use? What’s the greatest number of coins?
Discuss best strategy for using the fewest number of coins. Discuss which are the largest coins available. Discuss the best strategy for using the greatest number of coins. Discuss using the lowest valued coins first.
The fewest number of coins to make £1 = 1 x 50p, 2 x 20p and 1 x 10p = 4 coins. The greatest number of coins = 4 x 1p, 3 x 2p, 2 x 5p, 2 x 10p and 3 x 20p = 14 coins. Various answers in between those answers.
2. Help Yasin and his mum to select the correct coins to pay for their shopping exactly.
Discuss which coins have the largest value. Discuss which coins will be best to use to help us get close to the correct amount using the fewest number of coins. Discuss which coins will be unused (This is in preparation for the next question).
Various possible answers, for example: fewest number of coins = 1 x £2, 3 x £1, 4 x 50p, 3 x 20p, 3 x 2p.
3. How much money did they put into the charity box?
Discuss the best order to count the coins in. Discuss that the coins shown are only if Yasin and his mum used the fewest number of coins to pay for their shopping. Discuss if the value would change if they the selected a different number of coins in the previous question.
They put in £1 and 14p. They could have put in a different number of coins but by putting in any unused coins from the previous question, the value will remain as £1 and 14p.
4. Help her to select the exact coins to pay for all three of them to get the bus.
Discuss the total for the three tickets and which combinations of coins could be selected to make the total.
Total cost: £5 and 65p (1 x adult, 2 x child) Various possible answers, for example: 2 x £2, 3 x 50p, 1 x 10p, 1 x 5p)
Optional discussion points:
Discuss that retailers in the UK sometimes don’t accept large amount of coins, and can reject more than 20p in copper coins. Discuss situations when it is appropriate to pay with coins.
National Curriculum Objectives
Mathematics Year 2: (2M3a) Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value
Mathematics Year 2: (2M3b) Find different combinations of coins that equal the same amount of money
Mathematics Year 2: (2M9) Solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change
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