Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 3 Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 3 Autumn Maths - Addition and Subtraction07 Subtract Tens from 3 Digits › Subtract Tens from 3 Digits Year 3 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip

Subtract Tens from 3 Digits Year 3 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip

Subtract Tens from 3 Digits Year 3 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip

Step 7: Subtract Tens from 3 Digits Year 3 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip

There has been a disastrous storm at the Animal Conservation Park. Help Ali the Animal Keeper and Maintenance Man 1 make sure all the animals are safe.

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Discussion points for teachers

  1. How many does she have now? Discuss the method used to find the answer to the calculation. Discuss whether it matters if the apples or pears are subtracted first.
    658 – 60 – 30 = 568.
  2. How many trees are left? Discuss the method used to find the answer to the calculation. Discuss whether there is another way to subtract 2 numbers from the starting number.
    426 – 30 – 40 = 356
  3. How many fence planks are undamaged? Discuss whether all the information given is relevant to the calculation.
    964 – 70 – 40 = 854
  4. Help Ali get into the lions’ den by trying all the combinations to the lock. Discuss the best way to work this calculation out. Discuss whether it is better to use random numbers or work systematically. This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
    868 – 80 – 10 = 778; 868 – 70 – 20 = 778; 868 – 60 – 30 = 778; 868 – 50 – 40 = 778;
    868 – 40 – 50 = 778; 868 – 30 – 60 = 778; 868 – 20 – 70 = 778; 868 – 10 – 90 = 778.
  5. How much has she got left? Discuss whether all the information given needs to be used to find the answer. Discuss how best to answer the question using the two pieces of information.
    351 – 60 = 291

Optional discussion points:

What other ways are there to subtract 2 numbers from a larger total? Is the same way always the best way?

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 3: (3C1) Add and subtract numbers mentally, including three-digit number and ones three-digit number and tens three-digit number and hundreds

Mathematics Year 3: (3C2) Add and subtract numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction

Mathematics Year 3: (3C3) Estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers

Mathematics Year 3: (3C4) Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction

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