Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 4 Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 4 Autumn Maths - Addition and Subtraction07 Subtract Two 4-Digit Numbers 3 › Subtract two 4-Digit Numbers 3 Year 4 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip

Subtract two 4-Digit Numbers 3 Year 4 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip

Subtract two 4-Digit Numbers 3 Year 4 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip

Step 7: Subtract two 4-Digit Numbers 3 Year 4 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip

Sebastian the explorer is travelling through an area of the jungle that is inhabited by a lot of animals. He needs to use his knowledge of subtracting two 4-digit numbers as he makes his way back to his camp.

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Discussion points for teachers

1. How many more steps must Sebastian do to return to his camp?
Discuss the total distance and how far has already been travelled. Discuss the term ‘how many more’. Discuss exchanging and use of zero as a place holder.
8,050 – 4,487 = 3,563

2. Work out how many squeaks the monkey and tiger photos received. Choose from the options below.
Discuss what is already known in the calculation. Discuss how estimation could be useful and the best way to solve the calculation.
3,694 and 1,878

3. How many squeaks does Sebastian’s toucan picture need for him to win?
Discuss what the possible answers could be. Discuss the smallest and greatest possibility. This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
Various answers, for example: 7,950 – 7,281 = 669

4. Help him work out how much he has left in case he needs to collect more ingredients.
Discuss best method to use to solve this calculation. Discuss exchanging, discuss use of zero as a place holder.
Coconut milk: 5,326 ml; Bananas: 2,437g; Mangoes: 688g; Pineapples: 978g

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 4: (4C2) Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate

Mathematics Year 4: (4C3) Estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation

Mathematics Year 4: (4C4) Solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why

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