Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 2 Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 2 Autumn Maths - Multiplication and Division04 The Multiplication Symbol › The Multiplication Symbol Year 2 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

The Multiplication Symbol Year 2 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

The Multiplication Symbol Year 2 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Step 4: The Multiplication Symbol Year 2 Multiplication and Division Learning Video Clip

Maria and her elves are in the Marvellous Production Hall creating candy sticks! Maria has just discovered the multiplication symbol and realises that this will make creating candy sticks much quicker! Use your knowledge of multiplication in order to help Maria create enough tasty treats!

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Discussion points for teachers

1. Maria has places 2 candy canes on the conveyor belt and sets the machine to multiply by 5. How many candy canes will pop out the other side?
Discuss what the multiplication symbol means. What number does the machine start with? How will multiplying by 5 affect the number at the end? If we multiply by 5, what times table will we need to use?

2. Is Maria correct? Explain why.
Discuss the difference between multiplying and adding. Will adding always produce a smaller number than multiplying?
Maria is correct. If the machine added 5 to her 2 candy canes instead of multiplying by 5, she would only have 7 candy canes. 

3. How many candy canes could she have placed on the conveyor belt? What number could she have set the machine to?
Discuss the numbers she could use which would fit her rules. How can we use our timetables knowledge to help work out what number the machine could be set to? This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
Various answers, for example: Maria could place 5 candy canes in the machine and set it to multiply by 4. This would give her 20 candy canes because 5 x 4 = 20.

4. Complete the sentences below that describe the way in which Maria has packed them.
Discuss what the word 'equal' means. What is the relationship between multiplication and addition. What total is given to you? How can we use this to determine how what number we need to add and multiply?
10 + 10 + 10 = 30; 10 x 3 = 30

5. Maria wants to place 3 muffins on the conveyor belt to multiply. What number could Maria set the machine to?
Discuss what information has been given to you. Which times table could we use to help us?

6. The elf placed 3 muffins on the conveyor belt and has produced 15 muffins. What number did the elf set the machine to?
As above, discuss what information has been given to you. Which times table will we need to use?
The elf has set the number on the machine to multiply by 5 because 3 x 5 = 15

7. Complete the sentences below to show how Maria could have packaged the muffins.
Discuss which times tables 15 would appear in. How can we use this information to work out how to complete the number sentences?
Various answers, for example: Maria could package the muffins in packs of 5.
5 + 5 + 5 = 15; 3 x 5 = 15

8. Maria now has 15 muffins. If she places another 3 muffins into the machine, what number will she need to set the machine to in order to finish the order?
Discuss how many muffins Maria already has. How many more muffins will she need in order to meet the criteria for the order? Which number will the machine need to be set to in order to multiply the 3 muffins she will be putting in? How many muffins will this produce?
Maria needs an extra 12 muffins to make 27. She will need to set the machine to 4 because 4 x 3 = 12.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 2: (2C7) Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (×), division (÷) and equals (=) signs

Mathematics Year 2: (2C8) Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts


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