
Reading Skills - Varjak Paw - Chapter 26

An image of the Reading Skills - Varjak Paw - Chapter 26 Resource

If you've reached chapter 26 of S. F. Said's Varjak Paw and are wanting those sweet, sweet guided reading questions from Classroom Secrets, you're in the right place! As with every other chapter, we've provided both questions by skill and written answer practice in this Varjak Paw Chapter 26 Reading Skills pack, and every question comes with an example answer!

Our questions by skill are just that: questions to use while reading with your class or smaller group, which are organised by reading content domain and cover all eight of them. Whether you use them to focus on one, two or all the skills is up to you! Our written answer practice is a chance for children to familiarise themselves with SATs-style reading questions and the process of structuring great, longer answers. Ideal!

  • English Year 3 & Year 4: Develop positive attitudes to reading and understanding of what is read.
  • English Year 3 & Year 4: Understand what they read by explaining the meaning of words in context; drawing inferences and justifying inferences with evidence; predicting what might happen from details stated and implied; identifying main ideas and summarising these; and identifying how language, structure, and presentation contribute to meaning.