National Curriculum Objective
English Y3/4: Discussing writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar
English Y5/6: Identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar writing as models for their own
All Biographies are about Robert Burns with more language and more complex features added up through the levels.
Beginner Activity to identify the opening statement, sub-headings, name of the main person, dates, ages and places. Aimed at Year 3 Emerging.
Easy Activity to identify the opening statement, sub-headings, name of the main person, dates, ages and places. Text has longer sentences than Beginner. Aimed at Year 3 Developing.
Tricky Activity to identify the opening statement, sub-headings, name of the main person, dates, ages, places and likes and dislikes. Aimed at Year 3 Secure/Year 4 Emerging.
Expert Activity to identify the opening statement, sub-headings, name of the main person, dates, ages, places and likes and dislikes. Text has more formal language than Tricky. Aimed at Year 4 Developing.
Brainbox Activity to identify the opening statement, sub-headings, name of the main person, dates, ages, places, likes and dislikes and names of songs and poems. Text has more vocabulary than Expert. Aimed at Year 4 Secure/Year 5 Emerging.
Genius Activity to identify the opening statement, sub-headings, name of the main person, dates, ages, places, likes and dislikes and names of songs and poems. Text has more vocabulary than Brainbox. Aimed at Year 5 Developing.
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