13th January 2019
Written by Claire Riley
On Wednesday I met with the all the managers in production to get an update on the new and existing projects that we're working on. We're currently on track to finish updating our maths resources on time and bring you some new, exciting resources at Easter!!!! Even though a lot of the novelty has worn off, I still get REALLY excited about new types of resources! I just love that when we do it well, they literally changes lives - YOUR LIFE/work balance!
Yesterday we held an assessment day to recruit more proofreaders and resource creators. We'll be letting the successful candidates know on Monday. #buildingadreamteam Sometimes I talk about my journey; stepping out of the day-to-day running of the business to working directly on the business. Hannah, Lee and Sian did a fantastic job yesterday and I totally did not need to be there (but it was nice to be). It honestly makes me feel so proud of everyone - seeing them take it all on, present 'our' way of doing things but I'm also impressed with myself for letting go of it enough (I'm naturally not that person). I guess what I'm trying to say is it's strange watching people present your original ideas as if they're their ideas but with improvements that they've added. I suppose it's like when you send your child to school and they have a great teacher - they get the best of both of you. #wafflingnow
I set myself some new goals this year and one of them is to do a daily live on my personal Facebook page. I talk about what it's like running Classroom Secrets and having two young children. If you know anyone that is running a business and may benefit from my insight, please will you share the page with them?
The competition on our survey has now ended and Ed will be contacting a winner this week. There's still time to let us know what you think of the site though and this will directly inform our improvements over the coming months - we've already started working on the suggestions that have come through so far!
If you haven't been on Classroom Secrets since Thursday then you may not have seen that we've made a few changes to the look and feel of the site. The search now displays resources two-or-three-a-breast when you are on a desktop and we've changed the font throughout. You should also be able to see the whole of a maths or GPS block on one search page. We would absolutely LOVE to know what you think! We honestly thrive on any kind of feedback and it's how we're building our business to be so successful - by making small changes that you suggest to make a big difference to our product, service and your lives! You can let me know what you think by replying to my email, commenting on our Facebook page or in any of our groups. Josh, Ed and I are excited to find out your views!
Love Claire and the team at Classroom Secrets.
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