Consolidation of Steps 3-4 Year 4 Area Learning Video Clip

Consolidation of Steps 3-4 Year 4 Area Learning Video Clip

Step 3-4: Consolidation of Steps 3-4 Year 4 Area Learning Video Clip

We catch up with Hadriana, Cicero and Vitus following the earthquake that hit the town of Pompeii. Pupils will help work out the area of houses, gardens and roads as the rebuild takes place to fix the damage. Surely the town is safe now?

This Learning Video Clip has been designed as a consolidation tool for steps 3-4. It contains content relevant to all these steps and can be used in parts to recap a particular step or in on its own at the end of a teaching sequence for the included steps.

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Discussion points for teachers

1. How many tiles does the builder need for the final mosaic?
Discuss the pattern of the increasing shapes and discuss how many titles the fourth mosaic will need.
The fourth mosaic will need 10 tiles because the area of the shape increases by 2 squares each time.

2. Help Hadriana correct the mistakes the builder has made.
Discuss the area the shapes are meant to cover. Discuss the area of each individual shape and spot the error.
Shape B has 15 squares and shape C has 18 squares.

3. There are 7 stone squares. How many ways can Hadriana make a rectilinear shape to complete the road?
Discuss the possible answers and shapes that could be created.
Various answers where 7 squares are used.

4. Help Cicero to work out the areas and use comparison symbols to compare the two shapes.
Discuss counting the squares to work out the areas. Discuss the symbols that could be used to compare the shapes.
A = 22 squares, B = 22 squares. The correct symbol is =

5. Which garden is the odd one out?
Discuss the area of each garden plan. Discuss the differences and which one would be the odd one out.
B is the odd one out as it has 18 squares and would not fit the plan.

6. Who do you agree with?
Discuss the floorplans and the area of each house. Discuss the statements the characters have made and discuss who is correct.
Hadriana is correct. Julius’ house is 32 squares, Valentina’s house is 26 squares.

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 4: (4M7b) Find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares

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