Dyslexia Intervention Programme

This post has been written by Classroom Secrets

We’ve all been there, right? Here sits your new class, and within it there are one or maybe multiple pupils who have a diagnosis of Dyslexia, or are displaying dyslexic tendencies, and you just do not know how to narrow the gap in their progress against their peers. Or maybe you do know, but you do not have the time to plan and create the resources needed to deliver an effective intervention. We know that time is so valuable yet is becoming less and less easy to find. Additional adults are such an important resource for your pupils with SEND, but even they are becoming spread so thinly, or being taken away altogether.

I remember that time when I was teaching. A time when I felt I was failing to meet the needs of those pupils with Dyslexia because I was juggling multiple other needs within the classroom, alongside increasing pressures to meet ambitious targets for all my pupils, along with my own personal development. Effective interventions needed time to plan and to resource. Yet I was expected to find that time and to provide evidence of the impact on my provision maps and within pupil progress meetings. Meanwhile, I watched as the gaps widened for those pupils. We understand that, for many children, the gap has already widened. Therefore, utilising an intervention that can be done daily, without too much time taken out of their other lessons, is vital so that they do not miss out on that quality first teaching within the classroom.

Regular and consistent targeted intervention is key to narrowing the gap for pupils with Dyslexia. However, as we all know, Dyslexia does not just affect writing and reading skills. The main barrier for children with dyslexia is within their ability to process information. It can affect their working memory, and sequencing and organisational skills alongside difficulties with phonological awareness. Unless you provide targeted support for all of these areas, progress will be minimal.

But do not worry, this is where we come in - we are here to help! Our brand-new Dyslexia Intervention Programme has been carefully designed to target multiple barriers for pupils with Dyslexia, whilst giving you that invaluable time back by doing all of the planning and resourcing for you. This programme offers a series of lessons aimed for your pupil to carry out with adult guidance. To have the best impact on progress, we recommend it is completed daily, which is why we have provided you with the flexibility to use resources you can grab at hand from the classroom.

We understand that you need the flexibility and choice. Each child may need a different starting point, and that is ok. We have that covered. You can use the initial assessment tool to work out where they need to start and go from there. You may be able to run the intervention in the classroom with a computer. If so, you can use the powerpoint version of our programme with minimal prep time needed for you; you can just utilize the resources you have around you. Alternatively, we appreciate that sometimes interventions need to take place away from the classroom, and often that requires you to use any space that is available, whether that be part of a corridor or the side of the hall. If that is the case, we have provided the teaching guide that you can just print off and pass to your additional adult. This can be delivered practically with resources that the adult can gather that morning, or, to save time, why not use the resources we have provided that are included in the pack? The choice is yours. You have the flexibility to adapt this resource to however works best for your setting, without compromising on the delivery of the intervention and the progress of the child.

Here is how you get started. Take a look at the two different options we offer and see what works best for you. Use the assessment tool to track progress so that your child can hit the ground running, and you have proof of progress to take to your next pupil progress meeting or SEND review.

I hope this resource saves you the time we know you need, whilst still giving you that reassurance that you are offering the best you can for all your pupils. We’d love to hear your feedback if you get chance. Our aim is to always provide resources that are effective for both pupils and teachers, so any feedback will really help us to ensure that what we provide is right for you.



Lisa Mason is a proofreader here at Classroom Secrets. She has over 10 years teaching experience across the primary age range, along with 7 years experience as a SENDCo. Lisa completed the Level 7 Specialist Dyslexia Teaching Qualification with AMBDA in 2012. She is a mum of two and enjoys going for walks and spending time with her friends and family.