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EYFS Twinkle Twinkle Rhyming Adult-Led Activity

EYFS Twinkle Twinkle Rhyming Adult-Led Activity

EYFS Twinkle Twinkle Rhyming Adult-Led Activity

This Twinkle Twinkle rhyming activity is adult-led with a clear and easy to follow structure. Children are encouraged to listen to words and identify those which rhyme with each other. A set of images is included that could be used as a visual prompt to help support children's understanding.

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Development Matters and Early Learning Goal Links:
3 and 4 year olds
Communication and Language
Know many rhymes, be able to talk about familiar books, and be able to tell a long story.

Develop their phonological awareness, so that they can: - spot and suggest rhymes - count or clap syllables in a word - recognise words with the same initial sound, such as money and mother.

Children in Reception
Communication and Language
Listen carefully to rhymes and songs, paying attention to how they sound.
Learn rhymes, poems and songs.

Blend sounds into words, so that they can read short words made up of known letter-sound correspondences.

Early Learning Goals
Communication and Language
Participate in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary;

Use and understand recently introduced vocabulary during discussions about stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems and during role-play.

This resource is available to download with a Premium subscription.