Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 2 Maths Resources & WorksheetsYear 2 Autumn Maths - Addition and Subtraction01 Fact Families › Free Fact Families Year 2 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip

Free Fact Families Year 2 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip


Step 1: Free Fact Families Year 2 Addition and Subtraction Learning Video Clip

Cleo the time traveller has travelled back to the year 1666 in the month of August, before the Great Fire of London happened. She is exploring the city and needs your help with some maths problems.

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Discussion points for teachers

1. Complete the part-whole model to show the total number of grey and brown rats.
Discuss the different sections in a part whole model and which numbers go where. Discuss how we could complete the part-whole model. Discuss other ways we could show this calculation.

2. Help Cleo to write four number sentences to complete the fact family for these amounts. Write the numbers in words and numerals.
Discuss what a fact family is. Discuss how many facts there should be in a fact family. Discuss what the calculations in the fact family would be.
Five + 13 = eighteen;
13 + five = eighteen; 18 – thirteen = 5; 18 – five = 13

3. How many loaves can you see?  Discuss how many loaves can be seen.
Discuss where this total would go if we were representing it in a part whole model, in a bar model or on a number line. Discuss how we do not know yet if we are adding to this amount or taking away from it.

4. What would the calculation for the loaves of bread look like.
Discuss what kind of calculation it would be if three loaves have been taken away from the total.
20 – 3 = 17

5. Write the other facts that are associated with this calculation in words.
Discuss the related facts to the calculation just discussed. Discuss why there are only 3 facts instead of 4.
seventeen + three = twenty; three and seventeen = twenty

6. Complete the bar model to show how many chickens the angry man could have had.
Write a fact family to match the bar model. Discuss the section of the bar model that we already know (9 chickens remaining). Discuss what the total could be at the top of the bar model (anything between 12 and 19). Discuss the possible number of chickens that the angry man could have had (e.g. 9 + 10 = 19). This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
Various answers, for example:

9 + 10 = 19; 10 + 9 = 19; 19 – 9 = 10; 19 – 10 = 9

National Curriculum Objectives

Mathematics Year 2: (2C1) Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100

Mathematics Year 2: (2C3) Recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and missing number problems

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