I’ve been learning all about podcasts and I’m excited to announce that I’ll be launching one soon…

This post has been written by Claire Riley

This past week I’ve been learning all about podcasts and I’m excited to announce that I’ll be launching one soon. If you want to see the artwork samples I’ve been sent for the thumbnail, I put them on Facebook to see what everyone thought of them. Do you listen to podcasts currently? Will you start when I launch mine? I want it to be really useful and insightful for teachers and I'm inviting guests that can answer the questions you want answered. I've set up a community on Facebook for this so that you can suggest your questions for my guests so please join it to get involved. I've also got a post in there explaining what my podcast will be about.

We’re looking for suitable venues for the guest interviews. Having a school backdrop such as your school library is ideal for the sound quality. Are you in a school local to us (West Yorkshire) and could host us in your school? We’ll be filming each episode for YouTube too. In fact, we're looking for schools up and down the country as I'll be travelling to interview some guests and I'll be interviewing 52 a year! Please reply to this email if your school would like to be on our venues list.

Are you gearing up for the end of the summer term? We’ve got some great resources to use in the last few weeks that still promote valuable learning. We're working on adding for you so that they are easy to find.

We've got the GPS assessments ready for you now so you can find out what your children have retained throughout the year.

What are you on with in these last few weeks? I’d love to hear from you.

Love Claire and the team at Classroom Secrets.