

Compare and Order Fractions Less than 1 Homework

An image of the Compare and Order Fractions Less than 1 Homework Resource

Do your class need another opportunity to put their fractions knowledge to the test? Why not give them our Year 5 Compare and Order Fractions Less than 1 Homework resource? This activity includes two varied fluency questions and a reasoning question all presented in a ready-to-use format. We've included three levels of differentiated so that you can offer choice and challenge to all children.

Use this resource as a homework activity, as the name suggests. Alternatively, this could be used as an extension task in class or form part of an intervention program; the choice is yours! No need to spend time working out the answers, just use the handy answer sheet provided to make marking easy. This can also be used as a peer or self-assessment tool too.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number


Fractions Including Decimals

