

Understand Percentages Homework

An image of the Understand Percentages Homework Resource

Are you seeking a fun homework activity that will enable your class to get a 100% pass rate? Look no further than our Year 5 Understand Percentages Homework resource! With two varied fluency questions and one reasoning question, children can put their percentage knowledge to the test. This resource has been differentiated three ways to ensure challenge and choice across your class.

Perfect to use as it was designed as a homework activity. Alternatively, this could be used in class as an extension task or use it as part of an intervention program to offer further support where needed. We've included an answer page to make marking easy, or this can be used as a peer or self-assessment tool, the choice is yours.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten
  • Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths
  • Recognise the per cent symbol (%) and understand that per cent relates to ‘number of parts per hundred’, and write percentages as a fraction with denominator 100, and as a decimal


Fractions Including Decimals



