Yasin and Scarlett are very excited because they are going to the zoo. Help them to make the same amount of money for the entrance fee and to buy a drink, sponsor an elephant and buy a bag of monkey food.
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Discussion points for teachers
1. Help Yasin to make exactly the same amount (£17.99) with the notes and coins he has.
Discuss which coins Yasin has. Discuss how to count the money that he has. Discuss whether Yasin can make the same amount as Scarlett or not. Discuss which notes and coins he could use.
Various answers, for example: £5 + £5 + £2 + £2 + £2 + £1 + 20p + 20p + 20p + 20p + 10p + 2p + 2p + 2p + 2p + 1p
2. Help Yasin and Scarlett to work out which drink they could buy by making the exact amount with the coins that they have. Is there more than one drink they could buy?
Discuss how much money each person has. Discuss which coins they could use to make the exact same amount as the price of one of the drinks. Discuss if there is more than one drink that Scarlett and Yasin could buy. Discuss which coins they could use to make the exact amount as the price of other drinks that they could buy from the machine.
Yasin – lemonade or apple juice, Scarlett – water or cola
3. Help Scarlett to make the same amount of money as shown on the poster to sponsor an elephant (£5).
Discuss how much the sponsorship costs. Discuss which coins Scarlett has. Discuss if Scarlett could use the three £2 coins. Discuss why not. Discuss which coins Scarlett could use to make £5. Discuss if she will have any coins left over.
£2 + £2 + 50p + 20p + 20p + 10p. Scarlett would have one £2 coin left over.
4. Help Scarlett and Yasin to make the same amount to buy a bag of monkey food each.
Discuss which coins Yasin and Scarlett have. Discuss the different possibilities for the coins in Scarlett’s pocket. Discuss how they could make the same amount as the price of a small bag of monkey food (99p). Discuss if they would have any coins left over? This question is open-ended for the children to explore.
Scarlett – Various answers, depending on the coins she has in her pocket, for example: 20p + 20p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 5p + 5p + 5p + 5p + 5p + 2p + 1p + 1p, she would have a 1p coin left over. Yasin – 50p + 20p + 10p + 10p + 2p + 2p + 2p + 2p + 1p, he would have a 10p coin left over.
National Curriculum Objectives
Mathematics Year 2: (2M3a) Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value
Mathematics Year 2: (2M3b) Find different combinations of coins that equal the same amount of money.
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