This KS2 Adding 4-Digit Numbers to 3-Digit Numbers Arithmetic Test is perfect for giving children the opportunity practise their calculating skills. It has been differentiated into four levels to meet the needs of a range of learners and to ensure that all pupils are suitably challenged. Download today!
Beginner Adding 4-digit numbers to 3-digit numbers. No exchanging. Aimed at Year 4 Emerging.
Easy Adding 4-digit numbers to 3-digit numbers. Exchanging tens or hundreds sometimes required (maximum once per question). Aimed at Year 4 Developing.
Tricky Adding 4-digit numbers to 3-digit numbers with exchanges. Answers less than 10,000. Aimed at Year 4 Expected.
Expert Adding 4-digit numbers to 3-digit numbers with exchanges. Answers may cross the 10,000 boundary. Aimed at Year 4 Greater Depth.