
Goodnight Mister Tom - Chapter 22 Whole Class Guided Reading Pack

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Now you've reached the twenty-second chapter of Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian, make preparation and delivery of your guided reading session nice and simple with this Goodnight Mister Tom Chapter 22 Whole Class Guided Reading Pack! If you're looking for quality questions to have to hand when reading through the chapter, you'll find plenty in this pack. They are presented in two ways: chronologically, with answers, to be used as you read, and then grouped into four differentiation levels to use as a written comprehension, should you so wish.

After that, why not use the challenge activities we've popped into the pack? These are also differentiated four ways, and encourage children to draw on their wider knowledge of English when answering questions about the chapter. Answers are provided here, too.

  • English Year 5 & Year 6: Maintain positive attitudes to reading and understanding of what is read.
  • English Year 5 & Year 6: Understand what they read by exploring the meaning of words in context; drawing inferences and justifying inferences with evidence; summarising the main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and identifying key details that support the main ideas; and identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning.



Reading Comprehension