
Reading Skills - Holes - Chapter 43

An image of the Reading Skills - Holes - Chapter 43 Resource

Get set for another great guiding reading session of Louis Sachar's Holes with this Holes Chapter 43 Reading Skills pack! It comes with all the usual flexibility and depth of our reading skills packs: a section of questions to use as you read with your class or smaller group, and a selection of written answer practice questions to follow up with.

The questions to use as you read are arranged by reading content domains and cover all eight of them, so you can easily pick some or all to focus on. The second section, our written answer practice, is designed to help children become confident and comfortable when crafting longer written responses. These questions mimic the style of SATs reading papers, which helps to build familiarity with that format. All questions in the pack come with answers on a separate sheet. Super!

  • English Year 5 & Year 6: Maintain positive attitudes to reading and understanding of what is read.
  • English Year 5 & Year 6: Understand what they read by exploring the meaning of words in context; drawing inferences and justifying inferences with evidence; predicting what might happen from details stated and implied; summarising the main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and identifying key details that support the main ideas; and identifying how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning.
  • English Year 5 & Year 6: Evaluate how authors use language, including figurative language, considering the impact on the reader.



Reading Comprehension