Please note that we do not have reading skills resources for every chapter of this book. Every effort has been made to ensure a wide range of questions have been included in the chapters we have resourced, covering each content domain.
Are you looking for some in-depth questions to use with Skellig by David Almond? This resource is great in providing a range of questions that are organised into content domain to allow a focus on one or more specific skills, and this resource also includes questions for more in-depth written answer practice.
This interesting Skellig resource is an intriguing story about a boy (Michael) who finds an angel/bird/owl-like man named Skellig living in the garage of his new home.
This Skellig by David Almond comprehension activity can be used individually, in groups or as a class and, where needed, content domains can be separated out and focused on, or all the domains can be covered collectively.
National Curriculum Objectives:
Reading Comprehension