

10 More, 10 Less Homework

An image of the 10 More, 10 Less Homework Resource

With a million and one jobs to do as a teacher, let us help you with this Year 2 10 More, 10 Less differentiated Homework resource.

This resource includes two varied fluency and one reasoning question which have been created to provide a range of opportunities for children to showcase their knowledge and understanding of how to find 10 more or 10 less.

Ideal for use by individuals or as an additional activity at home, this resource is versatile in its uses and could be used given out after you have worked your way through our accompanying Modelling PowerPoint.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a two-digit number and ones; a two-digit number and tens; two two-digit numbers; adding three one-digit numbers
  • Solve problems with addition and subtraction using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers, quantities and measures; and by applying their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods


Addition and Subtraction


