

Add Equal Groups Homework

An image of the Add Equal Groups Homework Resource

Consolidate children's learning of multiplications with this Year 2 Add Equal Groups resource. A fun and engaging task with visual representations in a ready-to-use worksheet format. This resource has been differentiated three ways to support all levels of learning. On each level of differentiation, we've provided two varied fluency questions and a reasoning question too.

Ideal to use as a homework task, to gauge children's understanding of the objective covered in this lesson. Alternatively, why not use the resource as an independent extension challenge in class? With a handy answer sheet, your marking time will be significantly reduced or you could allow children to develop peer or self assessment skills.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts


Multiplication and Division

