

Measure in Metres Varied Fluency

An image of the Measure in Metres Varied Fluency Resource

This Year 2 Measure in Metres Varied Fluency resource is differentiated to three levels of challenge to ensure a range of learning needs are met. There are eight questions per worksheet using a fun and engaging variety of contexts for pupils to apply and develop their measuring skills. This activity is deal for use independently or in smaller intervention groups to support or further challenge learning.

Developing: Questions to support measuring objects in metres and centimetres, using centimetres in multiples of 10 only.

Expected: Questions to support measuring objects in metres and centimetres.

Greater Depth: Questions to support measuring objects in metres and centimetres and measurements greater than 100 cm.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm) to the nearest appropriate unit using rulers



