

Subtract a 1-Digit Number from a 2-Digit Number (Across a 10) Modelling PPT

An image of the Subtract a 1-Digit Number from a 2-Digit Number (Across a 10) Modelling PPT Resource

Are you hoping for someone to take away the pressure of creating subtraction questions for crossing a 10? Your wish is our command! Look no further than our Year 2 Subtract a 1-Digit Number from a 2-Digit Number (Across a 10) Modelling PowerPoint. This resource includes example questions for varied fluency, reasoning and problem-solving for you to use to teach children the skills covered in the objectives for this lesson.

Use as your teaching input to introduce the question styles children might encounter in our accompanying varied fluency and reasoning and problem-solving worksheets. Alternatively, this can be used as a recap tool in an intervention session, or simply display the questions on the screen for children to tackle as an extension activity. Each slide is followed by its answer too.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including: a two-digit number and ones; a two-digit number and tens; two two-digit numbers; adding three one-digit numbers
  • Solve problems with addition and subtraction using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers, quantities and measures; and by applying their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods