

Tens and Ones Fluency Matrix

An image of the Tens and Ones Fluency Matrix Resource

This Year 2 Tens and Ones Fluency Matrix is the ideal resource for testing your pupils' fluency skills when studying tens and ones. Using numbers up to 100, this resource is differentiated three ways to capture the needs of all children.

The questions begin by using manipulatives such as Base 10, ten frames and straws to support children’s understanding, before moving onto looking at the expanded form of writing numbers.

We recommend using this resource alongside our range of varied fluency and reasoning and problem solving resources for the same step.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words
  • Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens and ones)
  • Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, including the number line