

Use Lines of Symmetry to Complete Shapes Teaching PPT

An image of the Use Lines of Symmetry to Complete Shapes Teaching PPT Resource

Immerse your children in a world of symmetry when you download this Year 2 Use Lines of Symmetry to Complete Shapes PowerPoint.

With an introduction to what symmetry is and where we might see it, children are then taken through how to recognise and use lines of symmetry in different shapes to help with reflection, using squared paper and mirror lines. Example questions are included to help children use and apply the strategies they have been taught during the sequence of slides.

Suitable for use with your whole class, this resource is designed to support staff with the teaching of symmetry and help children further develop their knowledge and understanding of this in the context of shapes.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Identify and describe the properties of 2-D shapes, including the number of sides and line symmetry in a vertical line


Properties of Shapes

