

Consolidating Noun Types Application

An image of the Consolidating Noun Types Application Resource

This Year 4 Noun Types worksheet gives children the opportunity to refresh and consolidate what they already know about different types of nouns. Pupils are encouraged to write two paragraphs about a visual prompt using common, proper, collective, concrete and abstract nouns. A handy model answer is also included in this resource. It could be used in class or for extra practice at home.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English appendix 2 by: Choosing nouns or pronouns appropriately for clarity and cohesion and to avoid repetition / Appropriate choice of pronoun or noun within and across sentences to aid cohesion and avoid repetition / Terminology for pupils: pronoun
  • Noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases (e.g. the teacher expanded to: the strict maths teacher with curly hair)






Year 4 Consolidation