Now that children can divide 3-digit numbers by 1 digit, consolidate understanding of how to divide 3-digit numbers by 1 digit when there is a remainder by using this resource.
This Year 4 Divide 3 Digits by 1 Digit (With Remainders) Fluency Matrix worksheet will help children understand how to divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number to find a remainder, using different pictorial methods (counters, bar model and part-whole model). This resource is designed to support this small step and the preceding small step (divide 3 digits by 1 digit, no remainders).
Numbers are partitioned regularly and flexibly across the resource. After familiarising using pictorial methods, children will solve divisions (initially supported using counters) and finally solve divisions using real-life contexts. All answers are given so that marking is as simple as possible!
A varied fluency resource and reasoning and problem solving sheet are also available for this small step, as well as for the previous small step that this fluency matrix is aligned to.