

Fractions Greater than 1 Homework

An image of the Fractions Greater than 1 Homework Resource

By downloading this Year 4 Fractions Greater than 1 Homework resource, you'll be giving your class extra practise manipulating mixed numbers. Featuring questions differentiated to three levels of challenge, this resource includes lots of pictorial examples and opportunities for every child in your class to access the learning.

Great to use as an extension after your teaching or to be sent out as homework, this worksheet is not one to miss. An answer page is also included to make your marking as easy as possible. You could also encourage children to self or peer mark! How you use it is up to you. We're sure you'll love it whatever you decide. Download today.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions


Fractions Including Decimals

