Further develop children's knowledge in using place value and known facts to multiply by 10 in this Year 4 Multiply by 10 homework resource. We've created two varied fluency questions and a reasoning question for children to tackle and apply their skills to. Our homework resource is ready-to-complete and easy to follow. This resource has also been differentiated three ways to support all learners. Here is a brief guide to how our differentiation is suitable for each level of challenge:
Developing Multiplying up to 3-digit numbers by 10 using pictorial representations.
Expected Multiplying up to 3-digit numbers by 10, including using knowledge of commutative law using pictorial representations.
Greater Depth Multiplying up to 3-digit numbers by 10, including using knowledge of commutative law using pictorial representations and some use of unconventional partitioning.
Use this resource as an extension activity or why not send it home for further opportunities to practise the key skills. A fully explained answer sheet is provided to aid marking or to use as peer or self marking.