Explore the learning of multiplying by 100 with our fantastic homework resource.
This three way differentiated Year 4 Multiply by 100 resource is an excellent way for children to practise the skills of multiplying by 100. Children of different abilities can access the differentiated worksheets where they get a chance to answer two varied fluency and a reasoning question. Ideal to be used after the main input or as a homework task. Suitable representations for each worksheet have been provided, as well as a detailed answer sheet for you or the children to self mark with. Don't miss out, download now!
Developing: Questions to support multiplying 2-digit numbers by 100. Includes PV charts and counters for each question.
Expected: Questions to support multiplying 2-digit numbers by 100. Includes numerals and some PV charts.
Greater Depth: Questions to support multiplying 2-digit numbers by 100 where some numbers are presented using unconventional partitioning and numbers presented in context i.e money, measurements and multiplying by 100 or 10 x 10