

Compare and Order Fractions Greater Than 1 Varied Fluency

An image of the Compare and Order Fractions Greater Than 1 Varied Fluency Resource

By using this Year 5 Compare and Order Fractions Greater than 1 Varied Fluency resource, you are ensuring that your children have plenty of opportunity to practise these key skills. Beginning with questions that have pictorial examples for every question, this resource progresses to using more abstract methods of comparing and ordering, so there is something for every child in your class. An answer page is also included to help you with your marking.

Download today and use in class or send out as homework; the choice is yours! We're sure you and your class will love it however you choose to use it.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number


Fractions Including Decimals

