

Recognising Noun Phrases Teaching PPT

An image of the Recognising Noun Phrases Teaching PPT Resource

Are you looking for a resource that will support you in the teaching of noun phrases and expanded noun phrases? Look no further than this Year 5 Recognising Noun Phrases Teaching PowerPoint. This resource begins by recapping what the different types of nouns are, moves onto defining and recognising noun phrases before moving onto describing what an expanded noun phrase is. The learning is in small chunks and divided by knowledge check questions too. Children then have the opportunity to apply what they've learnt to a reasoning and application question.

This would make an ideal tool to use during your teaching input at the start of your lesson. You can work through all the slides or pick and choose where your class need to begin and focus on. This is also suitable to be used as a recap tool in an intervention session, and can be used for home learning too.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English appendix 2 by: Using expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely





Year 5 Expanded Noun Phrases