

Rounding Decimals (2 Decimal Places to 1 Decimal Place) Reasoning and Problem Solving

An image of the Rounding Decimals (2 Decimal Places to 1 Decimal Place) Reasoning and Problem Solving Resource

This Year 5 Rounding Decimals (2 Decimal Places to 1 Decimal Place) Reasoning and Problem Solving resource will give your pupils the chance to apply their knowledge of rounding to 1 decimal place.

There are two problem solving questions which will require them to think carefully about the rules of rounding in order to reach two separate solutions to each problem. A reasoning question then tests their ability to spot mistakes and explain why they might be incorrect.

This resource includes an answer sheet to help busy teachers with marking and pupils with self marking.

A varied fluency resource is also available for this small step.

Curriculum Objectives

  • Round decimals with two decimal places to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place